This is a brief summary of the current development status of Nuubz.

  • All development is being done using Apache, PHP 7, PostgreSQL 9.5.x, jQuery, and Bootstrap on Linux. The software, once feature complete, will be adapted to include MySQL/MariaDB support.
  • Native account creation and login is fully functional.
  • OAuth2 support is approximately 60% implemented from scratch based on RFC 6749; obtaining access token from Google and Facebook has been tested and works properly, though more work is necessary to obtain user information from both services.
  • Support for separate read/write and read-only databases is implemented; this will allow for a master-slave/server-replicant configuration if the site administrator so desires. This will not, however, transfer files such as the comic image from server to server; a network file system is recommended for that.
  • Support for Google Analytics, reCAPTCHA, Akismet, and Project Honeypot is built in.
  • HTML5 support is the targeted HTML level.
  • Multiple language support for both interface and comic.
  • Microdata support is being implemented in the base theme.
  • Multi-home support is being implemented as well, to allow a single installation of the software to support multiple comics with different domain names. This will only require that the additional domains be parked on the server and point to the same directory.

I’m more than likely forgetting some features that have been, are being or will be implemented, but this makes a good first status report.

If you wish to play around with something, feel free to visit the comment spam tester.